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  Recipe Home » TIPS AND SECRETS » Competition Beef Brisket
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  Competition Beef Brisket Popular Thumsb up
  Author: Pitmaster Tem
  Date: 7/2/2014
  Hits: 2944
packer beef brisket
As far as the brisket goes, I like to cook a whole packer brisket. Start out with a 12-14 lb packer brisket (you can find one at Sam's or Coscos).

First you want to trim any large deposits of fat from the point end.

Also, trim half of the fat vein connecting the point and flat but be careful not to trim too much here. trim any large deposits of fat from the point end

Remove any fat or sinew on the top of the flat. This is where you get the money slices.

Flip the brisket over and trim any other large fat deposits but leave at least ¼” of fat on the bottom of the flat and point.

Now you’re ready for the injection and first seasoning.

Season the entire brisket starting on the back side and flipping over.

Use a good amount of Salt, Black Pepper, and Garlic Powder. You want to season it like you would a steak you are about to grill. Season the entire brisket starting on the back side and flipping over

I also inject my briskets with beef stock and finely ground rub.
Inject the entire brisket with this mixture.

Space the injections about an inch apart. You’ll want to do this in a large aluminum pan because it can be very messy.

After injecting, place the brisket in a 2.5 gal. zip lock bag and pour the remaining injection over the brisket. Marinade in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours. (overnight is best).Inject the entire brisket

When you’re ready to smoke, take the brisket out of the fridge, drain the marinade off (pat dry w/ paper towel if possible), and apply your dry rub starting with the bottom, then move to the top sides.

Place the brisket on the smoker and keep the temp at 250 degrees with cherry (or hickory) smoke.

You’ll want to check the internal temp after 5 hours. It should be in the 160 to 170 range.

At this temp, you want to pull the brisket off the smoker and place in an aluminum pan and add ¼” of liquid (beef stock, apple juice, etc.) to the beef brisket on smoker aluminum pan and APPLY MORE DRY RUB, then cover with aluminum foil.

Place the brisket back on the smoker and cook another 3 hours.

After three hours, check the internal temp. The thermometer should insert very easily into the meat. (like sticking it in butter) The temp should be around 200 degrees. If it’s not in this temp range, place it back on the cooker and monitor it every 45 min.

Once you reach the desired temperature, take the brisket off the smoker and vent it to let the steam out. (approx. 15 minutes).

Close the aluminum foil after venting and place in a Dry Cooler with a towel vent brisket in foil wrapped over it.

You’ll rest it inside here for 1 ½ to 2 hours. This will allow the brisket to tighten back up and absorb some of the drippings from the pan.

To make burnt ends you'll need to separate the flat from the point. Simply take a chef's knife and cut down the fat vein. It will come apart with minimal effort. Return the flat to the aluminum pan and cut the point into chunks.

To make burnt ends, you want to cut the point into 1” chunks.

Place them in a small aluminum pan and toss in sauce. To make the sauce, use 1 cup of bbq sauce mixed with 3 TBS of the au jus from the brisket burnt ends in saucelarge aluminum pan.

Coat the burnt in pieces gently with this sauce and place back in the smoker for an hour (uncovered).

Cut the brisket into the desired slices and place the slices in a small pan. In the pan you can mix 1 cup of the au jus and 1 cup of bbq sauce. This will keep the slices moist and add flavor to them.
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